Diapriva is an independent treatment centre (ZBC in Dutch) for chronic haemodialysis. In collaboration with VU University Medical Centre (VUmc), Diapriva provides dialysis treatments in a comfortable and patient-oriented environment seven days and six nights a week. Through good cooperation between medical, nursing and paramedical disciplines, Diapriva strives for optimal and safe care for haemodialysis patients. This is achieved by intensive contact with the VUmc in various areas.
Lead a normal life wherever possible There are approximately 60 thousand people in the Netherlands with some degree of kidney damage, ranging from a milder to a more severe form. Over time many of them become reliant on dialysis treatment. What does that mean? How does dialysis work and what is your daily life like when you undergo dialysis? Below you will read exactly how Diapriva is working to keep your life as pleasant as possible and is trying to fit into the life to which you are accustomed. For the dialysis If your kidney…
Holiday guests are very welcome at Diapriva. Diapriva is only 12.20 km from Schiphol, the most important and largest airport in the Netherlands. At Diapriva you can dialysis in a quiet environment while being in the center of Amsterdam within 15 minutes. Here you will find a variety of shops and tourist attractions. There are a number of large hotels in the vicinity of Diapriva. All dialysis nurses can speak to you in English. Diapriva works closely with the nearby VU medical center in Amsterdam (600 meters away). In case of complications, additional medical care…
The dialysis fact sheet is intended for Diapriva dialysis patients, but also for their family members and other interested parties. By means of the dialysis fact sheet, we would like to inform you of the day-to-day affairs at Diapriva. We recommend that you read through this document Diapriva fact sheet at your convenience. In this way we hope to answer a number of questions and remove any doubts. Download here the Dialysis guide
In all insurers have contracts for day dialysis and night dialysis for the year 2020. daytime dialysis nocturnal dialysis Agis/Achmea/Interpolis yes yes AGIS Zorgverzekeringen yes yes Avéro Achmea yes yes Zilveren Kruis Achmea (Also Self Care Dialysis) yes yes VRZ Zorginkoop yes yes De Amersfoortse yes yes Eno; Salland Zorgverzekeringen UA yes yes ONVZ Ziektekostenverzekeraar yes yes Zorg en Zekerheid yes yes CZ/Deltaloyd/Ohra yes yes CZ GRT/Z (CZ Groep Zorgverz) yes yes Unive/VGZ/IZA/IZZ/Trias yes yes NV Univé Zorg yes yes Promovendum (VGZ-Caresco) yes yes IZA Zorgverzekering NV yes yes VGZ Zorgverzekeraar yes yes Menzis/Anderzorg yes…
Medical social work at Diapriva If you have a kidney disease, and must undergo dialysis treatment to deal with the disorder, you can also experience problems in your personal life, in addition to your physical complaints. These problems can be psychological, relational, social or societal in nature and can be a source of stress. The medical social work at Diapriva focuses on reducing these sources of stress and increasing sources of strength. Working method Each new patient at Diapriva has a meeting with a medical social worker. During this meeting you get to know the…
Dutch Kidney Foundation [Nierstichting Nederland] Kidney patients’ association Netherlands [Nierpatiënten vereniging Nederland]
A holiday dialysis treatment is carried out in the same way as a conventional outpatients’ treatment at Diapriva. For additional information: see elsewhere on the website-patient information. Data concerning the day treatment: Declaration code: 15C768 ZP code: 140301007 Description: Hemodialysis in the dialysis center (1-3) approx. 4 hours Data concerning the night treatment: Declaration code: 15C783 ZP code: 140301023 Description: Hemodialysis at night (1-3) The following rates apply for 2024: Total price day treatment: € 581.00 (approx. 4 hours) Total price night treatment: € 1012.00 (approx. 9 hours during overnight stay) To be eligible for…
Frequent daily dialysis
The kidneys play key roles in body function, not only by filtering the blood and getting rid of waste products, but also by balancing levels of electrolyte levels in the body, controlling blood pressure, and stimulating the production of red blood cells. The kidneys are located in the abdomen toward the back, normally one on each side of the spine. They get their blood supply through the renal arteries directly from the aorta and send blood back to the heart via the renal veins to the vena cava. (The term “renal” is derived from the…